Meridian Acupoints
In Eastern medical philosophy, the human body is intricately woven with meridians and acupoints. The body's energy flows through these intricate channels and hubs, propelling the circulation and metabolism of chi, blood, and nutrients throughout the entire system, facilitating purification, regulation, repair, and nourishment in an unending cycle of life.
Skincare Regimens
for the Twelve Meridians
The human body has twelve major meridians, each corresponding to a set of organ regulatory systems, and twelve time periods within a day. During the designated time for each meridian, the flow of chi and blood is at its peak. Applying essential oil massage to the meridian and acupoints during this time enhances their effectiveness. The Twelve Meridian Massage Oil is crafted in response to this potent skincare approach, blending Eastern meridian principles with Western aromatherapy techniques in an exclusive design.
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Massage Oil
Le Pivot’s carefully curated massage oil consists of one core essential base oil and twelve meridian massage oils.
Blending with the core essential oil, "Threshold", Le Pivot’s essential oil molecules can effectively reach the targeted areas and acupoints for profound nourishment. Using a base of golden Jojoba oil, augmented with Squalane for moisture retention, they also aid in daily skin repair.
Depending on the individual physical, mental, and spiritual needs, suitable meridian massage oil can be chosen accordingly.
Profound connection between overall health and your beauty.
Enhancing your skincare routine from within your body by creating an internal harmony physically and mentally. When your body is in tune, your skin naturally radiates a healthy glow, and your hair exudes a lustrous shine. Your presence becomes a vibrant reflection, emanating an enchanting vitality.